Experienced Dog Trainers in Newport News

Whether you’re dealing with chewing, jumping, digging or barking at neighbors and people, a professional trainer can help your dog. These experts use positive reinforcement to form a bridge between your pet and the world. They also understand that fear-based aggression can occur in dogs of any age, and their training methods are designed to restore trust and reassurance.

Experienced Dog Trainers in Newport in 2010, Island Canine Academy offers both private and group dog training sessions that are tailored to your specific needs. They specialize in reactivity and body handling, as well as teaching you how to interpret your dog’s behavior. Alexandria is a member of the APDT and the Pet Professional Guild, and her approach to training is compassionate and respectful.

Professional Dog Training in Newport Beach: Tailored for Your Needs

A seasoned professional, Auburn Leach of K9 Solutions is committed to helping clients resolve problem behaviors such as aggression. His holistic training method uses a blend of treats, verbal praise and controlled exposure to triggers. By restoring trust, Leach can transform aggressive dogs into calm, confident companions.

As a lifelong dog owner, Austin was able to cultivate his love for canines from a young age. His family can recall him carrying around a dog breed encyclopedia and sharing his knowledge with anyone who would listen. Now a certified dog trainer, Austin has found his calling in helping owners better communicate with their pets and build a strong bond. He currently lives in Newport News with his partner, two German Shepherds and house rabbits.

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