If you live in or near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, there are many reasons for why you need to get home insurance coverage. One of the main reasons is the natural disasters that can occur anywhere on the Gulf of Mexico or along the Eastern seaboard of the United States. While hurricanes can’t always be expected, they are always possible and the damage they can cause can be devastating. The biggest natural property-damaging threat that Myrtle Beach homeowners face is the risk of hurricanes. As a permanent resident of an area known as the “Dixie Valley,” there is no doubt that you have always lived your life at a certain pace. Hurricane season runs from June to November, with a high peak in hurricane activity somewhere between late August to October. Between these two months, the southeastern United States can be completely wiped out by powerful hurricanes, which means that any best Myrtle Beach home insurance company needs to make sure they have plenty of coverage for their customers. One reason that a Myrtle Beach home insurance company might offer more Ho3 polices protection than other companies is because of the unique geography of the city. Many of the beaches are located along the ocean, whereas others are located on private islands that are not accessible from the mainland. When a hurricane makes its way towards these areas, the winds can reach up to 160 miles an hour, making it impossible for many residents to stay inside. For this reason, Myrtle Beach takes the time each day to update its weather information so residents know what the odds are of receiving wind speeds of at least eight to twelve miles per hour. This will ensure that everyone has the best chance of escaping a devastated home when that inevitable day does come.